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Designated teacher for looked after children

Every school and many colleges have one person whose job it is to make sure that the children in care in their school or college get the very best out of their education. This person is called the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children.

You can go to them if you have a problem or to let them know if you are doing well. They can speak with your teachers and put things in place to help you. If you don’t know who they are ask your carer or social worker or contact the Virtual School.


The SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) is the teacher in school who makes sure that children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) get all the help they need. In some schools the SENCO is also the Designated Teacher.

Extra support - Teacher or Tutor

If you have fallen behind in a subject or you are finding some parts of going to school difficult your school can arrange extra support for you:

  • A teacher or tutor who works with just you (sometimes called one to one tuition);
  • A teacher or classroom assistant might work with you and other children in a group;
  • You might be invited to join in a particular activity or
  • Someone could come and help you with your work in class

Extra support - Mentor or Counsellor

Your school or college may arrange for someone, who is not a teacher, to meet with you regularly and discuss your progress and any worries you have.

You don’t have to have a Mentor but having someone like this to talk to can be very useful if you are finding things difficult. It can also help you to get back on track if you’ve got into trouble or had any big upset.